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What exactly is foreplay ?

Q :

I have a doubt about sex. Can you tell me what is foreplay? I have seen many of your answers to two different queries so I need an answer to my question.

A :

The short answer is foreplay is whatever comes before the act of penetration.
But I’ll expand on that. Foreplay is any act that is done before penetration with the plan of getting your partner warmed up. It can be stroking of the shoulders, belly, butt, or thighs if the woman likes things very gentle. It can also be stroking, groping, pinching, licking, or sucking of the breasts. Some women like touch to be very soft while other women like a more firm touch. As you get closer to the moment of penetration foreplay can be expanded to include finger play (rubbing of the clitoris, inserting into the vagina), grinding of genitals, light slapping of the butt cheeks. All these things can be exciting and I’ve enjoyed them all at different time.
The purpose of foreplay is to get your partner warmed up and ready for penetration. Some women need a lot of it (half an hour or more) and other women need very little (sometimes as little as five minutes!). Let the moment decide how much and what kind of foreplay is most suited to the occasion. If something is not working and your partner doesn’t seem to be enjoying it – then move on to something new!
Have fun with foreplay – I sometimes think it is almost as good as the main event!